Concept II

Week 2

Concept Development

After the first Brainstorm-Session, we decided to tackle this project as if we're working for a client. This way, we would define a specific target group, the environment our design will be used and the main problems we want to solve.

Topic: We still focus on improving communication between people, as discussed in «Concept I».

Main Problem: Agencies often demand either weekly feedback from every co-worker regarding their current situation in the projects. We ask ourselves how we can use embodied interaction to help this process of expressing how you feel during your working day.

While thinking about how we can visualize how people feel during a project we got inspired by mother nature: if you cut through a tree you can analyze each season according to the rings. A rainy season can be seen, or even an incident such as a forest fire.

If you had a visualization like this for a project at work, our thesis is that it would help to have a better discussion among your co-worker about what went wrong in which phase of the project.

Another thing of nature we took as an inspiration is how stalagmites are fabricated. They form by steady drops of water and form these towers in caves. We really like this process of steady inputs forming something in 3D.

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