

Embodied Input

This is an insight into our final prototype for the wearable. We are working with an Arduino/Genuino MKR1000 hooked to a small battery in order to have a fully wireless experience with our prototype.

A pressure sensor acts as the input and sends the generated data to https://shiftr.io. A vibration sensor acts as a feedback and vibrates whenever the pressure sensor is activated. This way, the user gets an instant feedback from his interaction with our wearable. This is crucial for the user experience as the generated output will only appear at the end of the day.

We put everything inside a wearable that looks like a small bag and also acts like a small bag that you can wear wherever you want. We designed it this way so that different users can wear it differently: some might strap it on their shoulders, others might put it on their legs while sitting. It should be comfortable and in the exact position where you touch or squeeze your body when you express stress!

Giving yourself a back massage gets a whole new meaning this way: it expresses a stressful situation, but it also means that it's fine because it will be talked about later on and hopefully resolved by talking about what happened on this day.

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