Concept I

Week 1

In/efficient Communication Methods

When we first sat down together as a team, we discussed a video about the topic Emergence. From Wikipedia: "...emergence is a phenomenon whereby larger entities arise through interactions among smaller or simpler entities...". Ants, for example, use chemicals to create a highly efficient communication method for each other. They exchange vital information about the community every time they pass each other. 

This topic got us thinking about how inefficient we are as humans when it comes to communicating even basic information such as «I'm feeling terrible.» Often, we humans are ashamed to tell each other what's going on inside our head and we're left not knowing about each other's feelings.

Our Questions:

  • How can we communicate our thoughts/feelings more efficient?
  • ‍Can we engrave information/data into the biological matter? 
  • Can Embodied Interaction be used to improve our communication?

Enhancing a defect/diminished sense

We were looking at different projects where technology is used to enhance people's senses and stumbled over this very interesting project where a microphone attached to a body fires up multiple sensors in a jacket. This project targets hearing-impaired people to sort of feel what is being said. That way, over time deaf people can get part of their hearing sense back by learning different which words trigger which sensors in their back.

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